
I think most of the 漫画(manga)fans heard about the name of two great manga magazine, 《小学五年生》と《小学六年生.

Those 2 magazine was first published in 1922 (wow.......almost 90 years before).One of the well-known manga author worked for 《小学五年生》と《小学六年生》is 藤子不二雄(ふじこふじお).The most success works of 藤子不二雄さん is ドラえもん (Doraemon) was also issues in this two magazine.

However, those 2 manga magazine's issue will be terminated by the Feb 2010.According to the publisher,小学館, the number of issues of this 2 magazine drops from 63万5000部(copies)(the peak in 1973) to current around 5万部(copies).

To suit the new generation readers' needs,小学館 would issue a brand new magazine,《GAKUMAN PLUS》(仮題), for them.



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